Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First steps to weight loss, the balanced way.

Everyone knows that diets are a dime a dozen. You can't step foot in any store, watch any TV, or talk to anyone and not see or hear something about dieting. It's January 2009 and I bet you know at least one other person who has started a diet. Is it you? Did you make the New Years resolution to loose weight this year? I promise you can loose weight, but you won't do it with a diet. Let me let you in on a secret... dieting doesn't work!

In my experience as a Personal Chef, people will try the craziest diets!! I think I've seen most of them and honestly have tried some myself. All diets have one thing in common. They start with a list of things you are no longer allowed to eat. In one diet I picked up recently the author actually said you were not allowed to eat zucchini! That's crazy! When the first thing you do is start depriving yourself you will fall into the diet trap. "All diets will make you hungry, which in turn makes you tired, which in turn makes you cranky!" That doesn't sound like a good time to me! That's not balance. Period.

If you truly want to loose weight the first thing you have to do is begin to appreciate who you are. Did you know the Bible says you are made in God's image? That sounds good to me. So take a deep breath and meditate on you being made in God's image. The next thing I want you to do is consider this... Acts 17:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Wow! God has made plans for you to prosper! He wants to give you hope! If you want to loose weight, you can do it! But it's going to require you asking for the Lord's help and grace as you begin a journey of finding balance.

In this weight loss section of the Living In Balance Blog I'm going to present you with what I believe are some of the most important things you can do to succeed at losing weight. We are going to focus on making healthy life changes that over time will add up to a healthier you. We are going to focus on one thing at a time.

This first step will not give you an immediate decrease in pounds, but is something that will over time dramatically help your body. It is really simple. Add two glasses of water each day. You will drink one 16 ounce glass as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning. Then add a second 16 ounce glass right before you turn in. Your body needs this water because it becomes dehydrated overnight. When your body is dehydrated it actually retains water leaving you bloated and not feeling good.

Simple. You can do it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to Living In Balance

I guess you would say I like to encourage people. It's one of the things I do best. I once heard people can actually have a ministry of encouragement and even though I'm not in the "ministry," encouraging the people around me has always been important. I hope this blog will be an encouragement to you.

Here I will write a lot about exercise, because after all that's my official business. I am the owner of iFit Gourmet where I collaborate with indie Christian musicians using their music as a backdrop for indoor cycling workouts. "iFit Gourmet's mission is to enrich people's lives through convenient exercise, healthy living, and powerful, inspirational music." It's a great joy for me to work on a project incorporating so many of my own personal interests; cycling, music, and food! It doesn't get any better!

I also plan on writing about some other topics of interest... "A Common Sense Plan to Weight Loss;" how to incorporate exercise into the busiest of schedules; indoor cycling tips and fun facts; how to really spend time together with your family; and a lot about food and healthy gourmet recipes.

I hope you come back often, or better yet become a follower of this blog. I pray it will be a blessing to you!

Mathew 6:33
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."