Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interval Training with Your Kids

Wow has it been a while since I last blogged!! Time so easily gets away from us!

I for one, have been struggling with keeping a regular exercise program this summer, and time is flying. This doesn't mean I haven't been active, we've been to the beach, music in the park, downtown, jump roping in the back yard, swimming, swimming and more swimming. No, what I'm talking about is the put on your work out clothes and "officially" work out. I can manage it for a couple of days then my schedule is interrupted by something more fun. :^)

I think so many of us only see exercise in its official forms. So if we're not at the gym, on our bikes, or running miles lonely with our ipods than we must not be exercising. There has got to be a balance! So today I decided to take the kids to the Rose Bowl. Anna rode her bike and Alyssa was on her scooter. What I got was a reasonable intervals run. Now you could not have set your intervals watch by me. No, what I had to do was run to keep up, than walk to give Alyssa a break (scooters are hard work!) Over the course of the loop around the Rose Bowl I managed to keep my heart rate at an average fat burning percentage and burned more than 360 calories! I also got many a chuckle as the girls weaved their way in and out of the other people pounding the pavement. I got to cheer Anna on as she climbed the one and only hill by herself for the first time. We even got to laugh over a poor little white poodle whose "creative" owner had dyed its ears purple and yellow! Only in LA people!

We had fun!! Instead of turning on the TV to distract your kids while you try to sweat to the oldies, why don't you include them the next time you want to get some exercise. I promise it will be an adventure! Blessings!!